423 Leader Qualifications and Responsibilities


  1. You are a Christian, having been baptized as a believer according to the biblical pattern, and seek to be a fully dedicated follower of Jesus Christ.

  2. You meet with Jesus regularly in the practice of prayer, Bible reading, and journaling.

  3. You are an active and supportive member of a local church and regularly attend a weekly worship gathering.[1]

  4. Your spouse (if married) is supportive of your decision to be a leader in 423 Communities and is fully aware of your history of sexual sin.

  5. You have a written sexual sobriety line which you have shared with the members of your 423 Communities group.

  6. You consistently, though perhaps not perfectly, live above your sexual sobriety line or emotional health line. If you fall seriously below your “line,” you are willing to temporarily step aside from 423 Communities leadership for a time of self-focus and healing.

  7. You have attended a minimum of eight 423 recovery Meetings.

  8. You have experienced both the bondage of and victory from sexual sin or the trauma it causes and you have a passion to serve people stuck in the cycle of sexual addiction and trauma.

  9. You have authorized a “423 Communities Agreement” and fully support the “423 Communities Small Group Guidelines.”

  10. You have read The Pursuit of Porneia, and subscribe to its tenants.


  1. You attend regularly scheduled 423 Leaders Team meetings and maintain excellent and healthy communication with the appointed leadership of the 423 Communities recovery program.

  2. You are available to lead a 423 Communities group with one other co-leader in the manner described in “Typical 423 Communities Meeting.” You start and finish your 423 meetings on time, arriving early to make certain the room is properly set up.

  3. You are willing and available to prepare a weekly lesson and coordinate all elements of a 423 Communities group meeting in consultation with your co-leader.

  4. You ensure that all members of your 423 group are allowed to share within the time frame of a two-hour meeting.

  5. You help to conduct 423 Communities intake interviews when asked and as your schedule allows.

  6. You receive new 423 group members who have completed 423 Communities intake interviews when there are vacancies (less than twelve members) in your group.

  7. You demonstrate compassion for weaker sisters or brothers who continue to struggle with the cycle of sexual addiction and the trauma it causes. You pray regularly for the members of your 423 Communities group.

  8. You do your best to support the individuals in your group and help hold them accountable to “423 Communities Small Group Guidelines.” You willingly and quickly refer the members in your group to qualified counselors when that becomes necessary.

  9. You are an example of victory over sexual sin and personal trauma but always willing to transparently and honestly share your own current struggles and failures with members in the 423 recovery group you lead.

  10. Your goal is to leave the people you lead in better condition than you found them. In that spirit, you do not leave your post as a 423 leader without first making a genuine effort to find and recommend your leadership replacement.

[1] 423 Men began in September 2009 as a ministry of a local church, Solid Rock in Tigard, Oregon. 423 Women started in 2014 and 423 Sisters in November 2019. As the church grew and planted other churches, 423 Communities of men and women also expanded its ministry beyond Solid Rock and now serves many local churches as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. This ministry remains true to the standard of local membership. 423 Communities leaders are expected to belong to and fully support a local church which holds a high view of Scripture (2nd Timothy 3.16), elevates the person and work of Jesus Christ (1st Corinthians 2.2), and endeavors to be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8.14).