
It all started when...

423 Communities had its start as 423 Men, a recovery ministry of Westside A Jesus Church (formerly called Solid Rock). Since its inception in 2009, thousands of men and women have been actively involved in 423 sexual recovery groups for men and women, discovering purity, in some cases, for the first time in decades.   

Here’s an interesting statistic…

“According to the research approximately 64 percent, or two thirds, of U.S. men admit to viewing porn at least monthly, with the number of Christian men nearly equaling the national average.”

— “Christian men view porn almost as much as non-Christians,” Joseph Pelletier,, January 18th, 2016.

Here’s another stat to consider… more than 1.5 billion people of all ages, or at least 20% of the human race, use porn, and one third of all porn users are women.[1]

If it is true that more than half of the men sitting in the pews of your church on a Sunday morning are secretly using pornography, and that one third of porn users world-wide are women, then is it any wonder that these people are thwarted in their desire to fulfill the Great Commission and “make disciples of all nations?” Satan is a terrorist with one, and only one, aim… the complete annihilation of every believer. His objective is destruction and one of his most effective strategies is the snare of sexual addiction in the lives of men, women, and young people.

423 Communities International exists to assist you and your congregation stand up to the bully of porneia. We have developed a proven and ‘turn-key’ methodology for establishing an on-going program for sexual recovery in any local church.

The program is not free, but there will be no cost to you. People whose lives have been changed by 423 Communities will underwrite this program in your church. If the program is effective in your church, you may want to consider 'paying it forward' to sponsor the next church launching 423 Communities.

You can expect the following benefits:

  1. A reduction of pastoral care hours spent in crisis counseling, committee meetings, and program development designed to curb the pornography problem in your church.

  2. Your congregants liberated from the insidious grasp of porneia and now able to use their gifts in your church for the advancement of the kingdom of God on earth.

  3. The development of leaders from your church to carry on the mission of the church, having found freedom from this terrible addiction.

  4. Numeric growth in your church as people from your community learn of your resolve to provide a safe and anonymous place for those seeking healing from the stronghold of sexual addiction.

Jesus said, “I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16.18). Jesus Christ established His church, in part, for the purpose of smashing “the gates of hell” and setting captives free. 423 Communities will partner with you to break the demonic power of pornography in the members of your church and community. We have no other agenda than to participate with Jesus in the building up of the body of Christ according to Ephesians 4.11-13, and strengthen leaders in your community of faith.  

If you'd like to consider our sexual recovery program in your church, please be assured that 423 Communities is: 

  • Theologically sound and based on Scripture

  • Endorsed by well-respected and known pastors and leaders

  • Hands-free, requiring no direct oversight from the pastor

  • Free of charge, and therefore perfectly cost-effective

423 Men and 423 Women meetings are held on church property in order to help establish a good relationship, in the minds of 423 members, between the local church and this ministry of restoration Jesus offers. You will only need to provide private room with WiFi access for meetings and promotion through your regular channels of church announcements. 

For more information on how to bring 423 Communities to your church, please contact us: or (503) 799-3474

Thank you.

Joel Warneking, Executive Director, 423 Communities International

[1] Webroot Smarter Security (; Hell Bound Bloggers updated 4/23/2017 (; Internet World Stats (

World population 2018 projection = 7,634,758,428 X 47% of world population on Internet X 43% of all Internet users view porn = 23.45% of world population (or nearly 1.8 billion people) using porn.